Despite Cooperative Exits: High West Energy Stays with Tri-State Membership

Despite Cooperative Exits:

High West Energy Stays with Tri-State Membership

The electric industry has a long-standing dependence on coal-powered electricity. With the growing emphasis on clean energy initiatives, both state and federal governments are increasingly advocating for the adoption of numerous cleaner energy options for power suppliers. In Colorado, specifically within our service territory, there is a strong push to address climate change and reduce carbon emissions through various renewable energy initiatives. 

While this shift toward renewable energy, mainly wind and solar, has been evolving for years, recent regulations are accelerating the pace. The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) latest power plant regulations have placed coal-based power generation under greater scrutiny, raising concerns about the reliability of transitioning away from coal, especially in regions like High West Energy's service area, where coal remains a primary energy source. 

In recent years, several cooperatives have either planned, begun to exit, or terminated their Wholesale Electric Services Contracts with Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, which is also our power supplier. This has led to speculation and questions about whether High West Energy will follow suit. As your CEO and General Manager, I want to ensure you receive clear and accurate information directly from us. High West Energy has no plans to end our contract with Tri-State and we have never stated we plan to terminate our contract with Tri-State. 

While we continue to support a diversified energy portfolio that includes coal, we recognize the different influences in these decisions. Our priority is to ensure a reliable, affordable power supply for our members, available 24/7. As we navigate this evolving energy landscape, we remain committed to being transparent and communicating with our members. We kindly encourage you to get information directly from us to ensure you have the most accurate and reliable details. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me at our office or give us a call at 307-245-3261. As always, thank you for being a member of High West Energy. We appreciate your membership and commitment to the cooperative! 

Safeguarding Your Service:

Our Hazard Prevention Approach 

Safety is paramount at High West Energy in every aspect of our operations. We employ diligent measures to safeguard our communities from potential electrical hazards, focusing on proactive strategies to prevent incidents and ensure reliable service. When it comes to safety, we want to ensure our employees, members, and their property is safe and protected against electrical hazards. 

First, our operations team and our safety director conduct regular inspections of equipment and infrastructure by ground patrol and aerial drone inspections. By identifying and addressing potential issues early, such as tree trimming, broken wire ties, cracked insulators, and various other electrical components, we mitigate risks before they escalate. 

Next, we invest in advanced technology and modern equipment. This enables us to properly control our operations on red flagged days. These upgrades to our system enable us to enhance efficiency and reliability while reducing the likelihood of operational disruptions that could lead to hazards. 

Finally, education and training are central to our approach. We continuously educate our staff on the latest safety protocols and techniques, empowering them to respond swiftly and effectively to any potential risks. 

By integrating these different practices into our daily operations, we uphold our commitment to ensuring a safe environment for our members and our community at large. At High West Energy, safety is not just a priority--it's a responsibility we uphold every day. 

Director's Corner

Kevin Thomas, District 17

In today's world, where inflation is on the rise, it's important to evaluate our daily spending. A daily $6 latte, $10 fast-food meal, and $16 Netflix monthly subscription can add up to around $85 a week or about $340 a month. Even with packed lunches, that daily latte costs around $120 monthly. In contrast, the average daily cost of electricity is about $4.57, with an average monthly bill of around $140 for members of High West Energy. This means you could power your entire home daily for the price of one medium latte.

Electricity offers substantial benefits—charging devices, keeping food cold, and ensuring a comfortable home—at a stable cost despite inflation. As a member-owned cooperative, High West Energy strives to keep electricity affordable while managing supply, infrastructure, and weather impacts. We also consider government policies affecting rates. Your co-op is dedicated to making sure electricity remains a valuable and reliable resource for your home and community. 

Power Up: Save Energy this Month

Now is the time to schedule annual maintenance for your home's heating system. During fall months, HVAC technicians are typically less busy, making this an excellent time for maintenance and any necessary repairs before the winter months. A qualified technician can clean filters, check for leaks and ensure all system components are working efficiently to keep your home cozy and warm when the temperatures begin to drop. 

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