The mission of High West Energy is to serve our members and communities by providing safe, reliable and competitively priced energy and services.
Welcome to High West Energy!
Operation Round Up®

Operation Round Up® is a program for members designed to help other members who are in need.
Members will have their electric bills "rounded up" to the nearest dollar. The additional money (from 1 to 99 cents) is donated to the Operation Round Up® fund.
Although the amount seems small for each participating member, when you multiply it by thousands of participants' contributions, that's a lot of pennies! Collectively, this makes a huge difference in our communities!
You can download the form below or click here to submit the form directly online!
Capital Credits
Capital Credits for 2024 have been decided!

Our Board of Directors has recently approved the retirement of $1.6 million in Capital Credits for 2024. This amount consists of percentages allocated to members from the years 1995, 1996, 1997, and 2023.
After each fiscal year, any surplus funds remaining after covering the cooperative's operating expenses are allocated to your capital credit accounts based on your electricity usage from the previous year. Please watch for your check in the mail by late November or early December. Members receiving $50 or less will receive their dividend as a bill credit. If you have any questions, please contact our office!
High West Energy’s success wouldn’t be possible without our members. So, it’s only right that you share in that success.
Youth Programs
Our 2025 Scholarship Program is currently closed. Applications for our 2026 scholarship program will become available in November 2025. Scholarship applicants must be dependent of a High West Energy member.
Questions? Email or call 307-245-3261.
Nebraska Energy FCU Scholarships ( -Must be a member of the credit union to apply.
Education, Scholarships & Careers - WREA - Wyoming Rural Electric Association ( - Additional Line Worker scholarships through Wyoming Rural Electric Association