Please ensure that contact information on the Net Metering Agreement is accurate so we may reach out about performing the functional test.
Please submit the following prior to beginning construction:
- Interconnection/Net Metering Agreement
- One-Line Diagram
- Site-plan
- Placard (if required)
- Photos of meter (visible meter number), meter/combo breaker panel, and interconnection point
- $250.00 Functional test fee (Either mailed or dropped off at the Pine Bluffs or Cheyenne office)
Note: If any upgrades to the members system are required, an estimate will be sent out and must be paid before HWE continues processing the application.
*As of 3/23/2023, all uprates required in Laramie County must have a surge protector installed to meet code requirements from the Laramie County Inspectors. This will be the responsibility of the contractor performing the work on the installation.
After receiving approval from HWE construction may begin. Please note that a permit will be required from the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.
Upon receiving proof of final inspection from Member/Contractor HWE will:
- Send our crews out to perform the functional test which will include a short outage.
- Reprogram/replace (if necessary) the meter.
- Adjust the billing profile to reflect the Net Metering Status
Once that is complete, word will be provided to the main contact or to any other requested parties.
Documentation may be submitted to:
Approval, Functional test, Billing set-up and Meter changes are all subject to current availability, work priority, and/or natural events.
Additional Resources:
*If you're considering installing solar panels, please call our office first. It's important to be an informed consumer and understand all the details before making a purchase. Be cautious of salespeople pressuring you into an immediate commitment. Also, be aware that door-to-door or third-party salespeople may present their own interpretation of our rates, requirements, and policies.
To further understand solar, click this link!